
HSTA Campers Return to GSC
Again this year, ÏãåúÖ±²¥ State College was the site of a Health Sciences & Technology Academy (HSTA) summer camp. The 2015 camp incorporated a presentation to Gilmer County Magistrate Carol Wolfe. Each group of students had to process a crime scene, analyze the evidence, and prepare a presentation regarding their evidence requesting an arrest warrant for their suspect. The presentations took place at the Gilmer County Court House.
GSC Courses to be Offered this Fall at BCHS
ÏãåúÖ±²¥ State College is continuing its tradition of offering a wide array of evening classes in Braxton County to accommodate students who might have difficulty making it to the GSC campus to take classes during the day. Several weekly evening ÏãåúÖ±²¥ State College courses are scheduled to be held this Fall at Braxton County High School in the Braxton County Center.
Minton Receives GSC Faculty Award of Excellence
ÏãåúÖ±²¥ State College's newest Faculty Award of Excellence recipient is Associate Professor of English Dr. Jonathan Minton. He received the award at the 141st Commencement Ceremony on Saturday, May 9.
Spring 2015 Provost's Honor List Announced
ÏãåúÖ±²¥ State College has announced the names of students who attained the Provost's Honor List for the Spring 2015 semester. To be named to the Provost’s Honor List, a student must have a minimum 3.5 grade point average on a minimum of 12 semester hours.
Spring 2015 President's Honor List Announced
ÏãåúÖ±²¥ State College has announced the names of GSC students who attained the President's Honor List for the Spring semester. To be named to the President’s Honor List, a student must have a 4.0 grade point average on a minimum of 12 semester hours.
Nine Students Graduate from Hidden Promise Program
Nine ÏãåúÖ±²¥ State College Hidden Promise Scholars (HPS), Gabriella Brown, Kaitlin Deem, Seth Doss, Caitlin Gwinn, Ryan Hubbard, Madison Martin, Travis Nesbitt, Corie Nicholson, and Rockelle Shackelford, were recognized as graduates of the Hidden Promise program at a ceremony held at the end of April.
Academically Talented Students Honored at GSC
Twenty-three members of ÏãåúÖ±²¥ State College’s Class of 2015 received ceremonial stoles recognizing them as honor graduates at an Honor Graduates Reception on May 7 at the home of GSC President Peter Barr and his wife Betsy. Students with grade point averages between 3.85 and 4.00 are acknowledged as summa cum laude, GPAs between 3.70 and 3.84 are recognized as magna cum laude, and GPAs between 3.50 and 3.69 are honored as cum laude.