Art Society announces fall events
Wed Oct 5, 2022

By Shelby Riffle

The ÏãåúÖ±²¥ Art Society, active since 2012, is planning a series of interesting art events for the campus, including a haunted house and Halloween festival. Art society president Summer Herron is hoping to hold social events for the membership and fund raisers to sponsor trips. In the past, the society has gone to the Huntingdon Museum of Art and the art walk in downtown Charlston. The Art Society was also the creative genius behind the painted benches in the ÏãåúÖ±²¥ business district.

Herron is in the process of recruiting new members. Members participate in fundraisers and other events. Meetings are held every Tuesday and Wednesday at noon in the Fine Arts Building, and members may attend either day, schedule permitting.

Herron’s goal for the organization? “To bring more art to the community.â€

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