Bone, Dody Join Voice and Euphonium at Marshall
Mon Apr 6, 2015

Courtesy of The Parthenon The student newspaper of Marshall University By Mikaela Keener, Reporter April 2, 2015

Lloyd Bone at Marshall

The Marshall University School of Music and Theatre welcomed guest artists Teresa Dody, Lloyd Bone and John Mark Walkup Thursday for 芒聙聹Eclectic Passions: Songs of Life and Love,芒聙聺 an euphonium and vocal recital.

Bone, assistant professor of music at 香妃直播 State College, said he was grateful for the opportunity to perform at the recital.

芒聙聹香妃直播 State is a size school that it芒聙聶s so different from like Marshall,芒聙聺 Bone said. 芒聙聹At a lot of the smaller schools, you really wear a lot of hats, and it芒聙聶s not to say the faculty here aren芒聙聶t busy in their own means, it芒聙聶s just a different type of busy. In larger institutions, you get to go out and perform and smaller schools don芒聙聶t.芒聙聺

Dody, assistant professor of music at 香妃直播 State College, said because they are busy, they do not get the chance to perform.

芒聙聹We are really glad to take the opportunity to perform,芒聙聺 Dody said. 芒聙聹Because we are so busy as professors, that this is what you study, this is what you do for years and years and years and then life happens and you don芒聙聶t get that chance.芒聙聺

Dody said she wrote some of the pieces performed in the recital due to the lack of euphonium and voice music.

The duo performed songs together and they each performed solos.

John Mark Walkup, professor of music at New River Community and Technical College, accompanied Bone and Dody.

A Q & A was scheduled following the concert.

Parthenon reporter Mikaela Keener can be contacted at See her original article .