Wildlife Management Major

Wildlife Management – This major is designed for students who want to pursue a career in wildlife management or pursue an advanced degree in wildlife. ÌýStudents are prepared to become wildlife managers or wildlife technicians for government agencies. ÌýStudents learn about the biology, ecology, and management of important game and non-game wildlife in the Appalachian region.

Wildlife Management Information Card
Wildlife Management Career Pathways
Wildlife Management Career Pathways

Learning Outcomes

A graduate of the program will:

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of the life history, habitat, and ecological requirements of important game and non-game wildlife.
  2. Identify, classify, and name important flora and fauna endemic to the Appalachia region.
  3. Demonstrate and apply wildlife management techniques and methods.
  4. Comprehend the ecological relationships between forests and wildlife.
  5. Develop office and field skills in the use of geospatial technologies, computer software, and quantitative analysis.
  6. Develop wildlife management plansÌý