Brass Studio

Emphasis on Performance

The دمهْض±²¥ Brass Studio strives for excellence in musicianship, technique, and life skills in order to be well rounded. Our brass students are prolific performers as they all perform in the following ensembles for at least four years: marching band, concert choir, full brass ensemble, and other smaller brass chamber ensembles. All brass students perform at least one solo publicly at the end of every semester as well as give a senior recital. Most brass students also perform junior recitals and are members of the jazz band.

Brass Ensemble
The GSU Brass Ensemble
Brass Ensemble at Christmas
The Brass Ensemble at Charleston Town Center Mall
Trumpet Ensemble
Trumpet Ensemble with Professor Emeritus Harry Rich

Our brass studio is active outside of the traditional activities of a brass major. Our full brass ensemble performs numerous holiday performances every holiday season. Past performances include Bridgeport Country Club, Parkersburg Country Club, and Meadowbrook Mall. We also attend national and international conferences. Our tuba and euphonium ensemble performed at the 2007 United States Army Band Tuba and Euphonium Conference in Washington, D.C., the 2008 International Tuba and Euphonium Conference in Cincinnati, Ohio, the 2010 International Tuba and Euphonium Conference in Tuscon, Arizona, the 2012 International Tuba and Euphonium Conference in Linz, Austria, the 2013 Midwest Tuba and Euphonium Conference in Normal, Illinois and the 2014 International Tuba and Euphonium Conference in Bloomington, Indiana. We have taken numerous trips to the Midwest International Band and Orchestra Clinic in Chicago, Illinois. We have also attended the National Trumpet Competition, the United States Army Band Eastern Trombone Workshop, the United States Army Band Tuba and Euphonium Conference, and the International Trombone Festival.

The GSU Tuba and Euphonium Ensemble was one of twenty-something ensembles from around the world invited to perform at the 2012 International Tuba and Euphonium Conference in Linz, Austria. Our musicians brought home many exciting stories, some great learning experiences, and many photos, including the four below.

GSC Art students visiting Salzburg
Our students travelled a main street in Salzburg, where many famous composers often walked
Art students visit Mozart's home
Mozart's family home viewed from the street
Art students view interior of Mozart's home
Mozart's family home
Art students visit Haydn's home
One of the places Franz Joseph Haydn lived

The GSU Tuba and Euphonium Ensemble also attended the 2010 International Tuba and Euphonium Conference in Tucson, Arizona.

The Tuba and Euphonium Ensemble visited the Grand Canyon on their trip to the 2010 International Tuba and Euphonium Conference in Tuscon, Arizona
Tuba and Euphonium Ensemble at the Grand Canyon National Park
Tuba and Euphonium Ensemble visited the Grand Canyon


Courtney Clevenger conducting
Courtney Clevenger, winner of the 2010 Women's Band Directors International Scholarship, conducts the GSU Brass Ensemble

Our brass students consistently excel in their field. A recent example is Courtney Clevenger, a senior GSU Music Education Major (trumpet) who was one of eight female college students IN THE NATION chosen for the 2010 Women's Band Directors International Scholarships. This is a huge honor as the competition for these scholarships is fierce. We are extremely proud of Courtney and all of our superb brass students.

Diversity in Music

We also emphasize and encourage diversity as many of our brass majors develop great performing skills on other instruments. We have had brass majors in percussion ensemble, woodwind ensemble, bluegrass band, and African drumming ensembles. Last year alone we had three trumpet majors performing in percussion ensemble.