1. A student is interested in the RBA Degree but has limited traditional college course work. Where should the student begin?
    The first step would be to inspect the degree as to whether it would lead to educational and career objectives. If it will, you should submit the appropriate application form and documents to the Coordinator’s Office at ÏãåúÖ±²¥. These materials will be evaluated with the results and recommendations provided to the student. The student should pursue the 24 hours residence requirement as soon as possible after admission and supplement these credits with a portfolio or credits by examination.
  2. A student submitted application forms and other documents but has not received an initial status report. Why hasn’t an initial status report been completed?
    Official transcripts not being received in the Coordinator’s Office from a college or university that a student has attended cause the most common delay. Secondly, a student may have submitted the application forms to an office other than the Coordinator’s Office. Thirdly, a student may have submitted a transcript, which is not an official transcript in that it does not have the imprinted seal and signature of the records officer. Fourth, you may have submitted grade reports, which are not official transcripts.
  3. A student has attended three colleges and the last college attended has been provided with official transcripts from the two other colleges. Will an official transcript from the last college attended, which lists all courses completed, be sufficient?
    No. The student must submit a written request to the appropriate office at each college and university attended, except ÏãåúÖ±²¥, requesting that an official transcript be sent to the Coordinator’s Office. For example, if the student attended both West Virginia University and Fairmont State College, an official transcript from each institution must be submitted.
  4. A student has attended a college, which was not accredited by a regional or national accrediting agency. Will credits from this college be permitted toward the degree when an official transcript is provided?
    Faculty members are requested to evaluate transcripts and course descriptions of any such credit completed by a student at a non-accredited college and, if appropriate, recommend the award of college equivalent credit on the basis of such earned credit. If college equivalent credit is awarded, these credits may be utilized toward the degree requirements with the exception of residence requirement.
  5. A student attended a college that offered credits on a quarter hour system and the RBA Degree requirements are on a semester hour system. What is the conversion rate of quarter hours to semester hours?
    A ratio of 3 to 2 is utilized in converting quarter hours to semester hours. For example, a 3-quarter credit hour course is equivalent to a 2-semester credit hour course and a 6-quarter credit hour course is equivalent to a 4-semester credit hour course.
  6. A student attended a college, which is no longer in existence or worked for a firm which is no longer in existence. May the student get credit for these courses without an official transcript and other documents?
    Credit may be awarded only when the appropriate transcripts, documents and credentials are presented. In cases where official documentation cannot be provided, credits cannot be awarded toward the degree requirements.
  7. A student is interested in obtaining a bachelors degree and then pursuing a master’s degree or professional degree. Will the RBA Degree be accepted for admission into graduate school or a professional school?
    Admission into graduate school or a professional school is dependent on several factors. One requirement is a student must have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university. The RBA Degree does satisfy this requirement. Secondly, a student’s admission into a graduate or professional program depends on the specific traditional courses a student has completed in obtaining a bachelors degree. Thus, a RBA Degree student may choose courses to meet the requirements of the undergraduate program which also satisfy the requirements for admission to the graduate or professional program. Thirdly, acceptance into a graduate or professional program will be dependent on minimum grade point average that will often be greater than the minimum grade point average required for graduation with the RBA Degree. A RBA student should concentrate on successfully completing traditional courses and achieve a grade point average as high as possible. Beyond these requirements, admission may be dependent on Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores, number of traditional undergraduate hours, etc. Students who are interested in pursuing the RBA Degree and possibly a graduate degree or a professional degree at some future date are encouraged to contact graduate or professional schools to determine the admission requirements. Once these requirements have been determined, a student’s RBA Degree may be designed to satisfy the admission requirements for graduate or professional school.
  8. A student wants to pursue the RBA Degree for the purpose of achieving certification to teach in the school system from nursery school through grade twelve. Will the RBA Degree lead to this goal?
    No. Students who want to teach nursery school through grade twelve should not pursue the RBA Degree as the attainment of this degree will not lead to teacher certification. Students with teacher certification goals should pursue a traditional teacher education degree.
  9. A student has been admitted into the RBA Degree at one college and wants to transfer to another college. Is it possible to transfer from one college to another in the RBA Program?
    It is possible to transfer, but a valid reason for requesting transfer must be provided to the Coordinator of the college at which you were initially admitted. Upon receipt of a request for transfer, the Coordinators of the colleges involved will discuss and decide on the request. Your transfer will be considered and granted if you receive a letter from the Coordinator of your initial institution allowing your transfer and a letter from the Coordinator of the accepting institution.
  10. A student has been admitted into the RBA Program at ÏãåúÖ±²¥ but wants to take courses at another college and transfer the credits to ÏãåúÖ±²¥. Is it possible to transfer credits from another college to ÏãåúÖ±²¥?
    Yes. Students who want to complete courses at another college and transfer them to the home institution are considered transient students. A student must have written permission from the Registrar’s Office at ÏãåúÖ±²¥ prior to enrollment of courses at another college. This is a prerequisite for transferring credits to ÏãåúÖ±²¥ at a later date. Please note that credits completed at another college are not automatically transferred to ÏãåúÖ±²¥. A student must submit a written request to the records office at the institution at which credits were earned for an official to be forwarded to the Coordinator’s Office at ÏãåúÖ±²¥. Each student must accept this responsibility for transferring of credits.
  11. A student has decided to enter the RBA Program at ÏãåúÖ±²¥. The student has obtained official college transcripts, completed the application form, submitted necessary test scores and obtained a high school transcript. Additionally, the student has other documents dealing with life experience and potential college equivalent credits. Should the student submit these additional documents with the required application documents and forms for admission an initial evaluation?
    The student should contact the RBA Program Coordinator at ÏãåúÖ±²¥ to discuss these documents prior to submitting them. Standard equivalents have been established statewide for certain life experiences that will result in college equivalent credits being awarded upon the student presenting the proper documents. If the student’s documents are relative to these established standard equivalents, the documents should be submitted with other materials requesting admission. If standard equivalents have not been established, these documents should be submitted later, as a part of a portfolio requesting college equivalent credits.
  12. A student who has been admitted into the RBA Program is preparing to register for courses and is not certain the academic area or the academic level of the courses. Who should the student contact relative to determining the area or level?
    The student should contact the RBA Coordinator at ÏãåúÖ±²¥ for the determination relative to academic area and level.
  13. A student has been accepted into the RBA Program at ÏãåúÖ±²¥ and has been provided with an initial status report. One alternative a student has is submitting a portfolio of life experiences requesting college equivalent credits. Are there requirements, guidelines and suggestions available which will assist the student in preparing the portfolio?
    Yes. Once a student has been admitted into the program at ÏãåúÖ±²¥ and an initial status report has been completed, the student is informed of the results by letter. The student is provided with the materials that have been designed and developed to assist in preparing the portfolio. The student may also meet with the Coordinator for assistance or attend a workshop that deals with the preparation of the portfolio.
  14. A student is considering applying for admission into the RBA Program at ÏãåúÖ±²¥ and is wondering how many students are in the program, how many students have graduated with the degree and how long it will take to satisfy all degree requirements?
    The West Virginia RBA Degree Program began in 1975. Since the program was initiated, it has experienced significant growth statewide, both in terms of students admitted into the program and number of graduates. There are several hundred students in the program at ÏãåúÖ±²¥. To date the number of graduates exceeds 800 at ÏãåúÖ±²¥. The actual time required for completion of the degree requirements and graduate varies considerably, depending on the amount of previous college courses, amount of time a student has to devote to preparing a portfolio, amount of time student has to devote to enrolling and completing additional college courses and similar factors. The portfolio evaluation and recommendation process, on the average, requires approximately four months. However, this varies depending on the portfolio format utilized, portfolio length, and college equivalent credits requested.
  15. For what will credit be awarded for a portfolio?
    Credit will be awarded for knowledge and skills acquired outside of colleges and universities that are reasonably comparable to the learning outcomes of courses normally applied to a baccalaureate degree.
  16. What are such credits called?
    College equivalent credits.
  17. How many college equivalent credits may be awarded to a student?
    No upper limit is specified.
  18. Who will award these credits?
    The colleges and universities participating in the program with decisions made by the appropriate faculty personnel.
  19. Who will be eligible for such credits?
    Those persons admitted to the RBA Program by a participating college or university.
  20. What must students do to earn college equivalent credits?
    A student may submit a portfolio for faculty assessment and recommendation for evaluation at the home institution.
  21. Will there be an appeals procedure for college equivalent credits?
    Yes. A student should contact the RBA Coordinator relative to the specifics.
  22. Are college equivalent credits transferable?
    It is intended that such credits will be used only for purposes of earning the RBA Degree. Participating colleges and universities could, of course, set up a similar credit awarding system for the other degree programs.
  23. How do college equivalent credits appear on a student’s academic record?
    Such credits are always labeled college equivalent credits, with an indication of the date awarded. Whenever possible, experience should be translated into course titles with appropriate credit given for each course. Titles found in the catalog of the institution awarding the credit should preferably be used. When the experience deserving of credit cannot be equated with specific course titles, the student may be awarded a specified number of credits in disciplines or general areas of learning.
  24. Can students shop around for the maximum credit award?
    No. The student selects the college for admission into the program and this college will make the assessments. The student is entitled to only one assessment for any experience. A student may not apply for admission nor be enrolled in the RBA Program at more than one college or university. An RBA Degree student may not be enrolled in another bachelor degree program.