Turner Named Classified Employee of the Year at GSC
Thu May 15, 2014


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دمهْض±²¥ State College
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President Barr (left) congratulates a surprised Turner at the staff recognition luncheon

GLENVILLE, WV أ¢آ€آ“ دمهْض±²¥ State College employee Richard Turner has been named the 2014 GSC Classified Employee of the Year. He works as a Maintenance Worker with the college's Physical Plant. GSC President Dr. Peter Barr presented the award to Turner during a staff recognition luncheon on April 28th.

"I was totally shocked to receive the award. I didn't even know I had been nominated so it was definitely a 110-percent surprise," said Turner.

Nominations for Turner praised his strong work ethic and positive attitude. 'He does his job with pride and is always willing to go the extra mile to ensure a job is done,' 'you couldn't ask for a harder worker,' and 'he fosters a spirit of friendliness' were among the comments.

He has been an employee at دمهْض±²¥ State College since February 1999. He previously worked for Dining Services at the college before transferring to the maintenance department.

In his spare time he enjoys attending GSC athletic events and is active in the Gilmer County Volunteer Fire Department and local Relay for Life. Turner also attends the Mount Pisgah Church in Stumptown. He is a lifelong Gilmer Countian and resides on a 172 acre farm.

Turner becomes the 26th recipient of the award that has been presented at GSC since 1986.