Study Abroad Opportunity Planned for GSC Students
Mon Aug 29, 2016


For More Information:
دمهْض±²¥ State College
Public Relations Department
(304) 462-4115

GSC students at Stonehenge GSC students at Stonehenge as part of a previous study abroad trip

GLENVILLE, WV- دمهْض±²¥ State College is planning an opportunity for students to study abroad in London, England in May 2017. London: the City Experience is a 10-day program that will include round-trip airfare, accommodations, transportation, regional meals, guided sightseeing, and more. Some activities during the trip will include tours of: Windsor Castle, the Tower of London, Canterbury Cathedral, and Stonehenge.

To be eligible for the study abroad trip students must at least be in their second year of college at GSC, have a minimum 2.0 GPA, be in good academic and social standing, be cleared to travel by a physician, and disclose all prescribed medications to the program coordinators.

Limited scholarship opportunities for the trip are available. Interested GSC students should contact Jonathon Minton at or (304) 462-6322 or Megan Gibbons at or (304) 462-6328.