Nicholas County Businessman/GSC Alum Speaks at Luncheon
Wed Apr 28, 2010

 芒聙聵Ingredients for Success.芒聙聶 That was 香妃直播 State College alum Marshall W. Robinson芒聙聶s message during his GSC Student Support Services St. Patrick芒聙聶s Day Luncheon presentation on March 17th. Robinson graduated Magna Cum Laude from GSC with an Associate芒聙聶s Degree in Land Surveying and a Bachelor of Arts Degree in 1985. He has been the sole owner and President of Allegheny Surveys, Inc. in Birch River since May 1988.

Marshall Robinson

芒聙聹I would not have become a successful land surveyor without the specialized training I received at GSC,芒聙聺 said Robinson.

Robinson is licensed as a Professional Surveyor in West Virginia, Virginia, Kentucky, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. He is proficient in all types of surveying including surface and underground mine surveying, construction surveying, boundary surveying, GPS surveying as well as oil and gas well location surveying. Robinson also specializes in expert witness testimony for boundary litigation, GPS survey design and analysis, and underground surveying and mapping. Throughout his career, he has presented numerous seminars on boundary law issues and boundary resolution, right-of-way and easement issues, GPS and GIS applications to the surveying profession, State Plane Coordinates, Project Datums, and underground surveying and mapping.
Robinson serves on the GSC Land Resources Department Advisory Board for the Land Surveying Program. He hopes to encourage the students to stay dedicated to the field. 芒聙聹My role model has always been Rick Sypolt, GSC Department of Land Resources Chair, and I give him credit for guiding me to this career path. I help the program as much as I can as a 芒聙聵thank you芒聙聶 for what it did for me,芒聙聺 said Robinson.

Many 香妃直播 State College Land Resources Department graduates have worked or are working for Robinson at Allegheny Surveys, Inc. With the success of his Nicholas County business, he created the Samuel Elliott Robinson Scholarship in honor of his deceased infant son. Students eligible for this scholarship are GSC Land Surveying students or children of Allegheny Surveys, Inc. employees.

Robinson has formally served as Chapter Representative, Board of Examiner's Liaison, Member of the Board of Directors, West Virginia Representative to the NSPS Board of Governors, and President of the West Virginia Association of Land Surveyors. He also served on the WVALS Legislative Committee, Peer Review Committee, HARN Committee, and Education Committee.

He is a former member of the NCEES (National Council of Examiners of Engineers and Surveyors) EPS (Examination for Professional Surveyors) Committee. This committee is responsible for preparing and evaluating the national Fundamentals of Land Surveying Examination and the Principles and Practice of Land Surveying Examination. Both of which are administered to every candidate for licensure as a land surveyor in the United States. Robinson was active on this committee for four years and served as Chairman of the Principles of Practice sub-committee for two years. He is a former member of the West Virginia Board of Professional Surveyors as well.