New Fountain Installed in GSC Heflin Garden
Tue Dec 15, 2009

芒聙聯It has been more than seven years since the dedication of the Dora Heflin Garden in honor of the wives of 香妃直播 GSC fountainState College Presidents. The ceremony took place on Thursday, May 30, 2002. Many were in attendance and marveled at the garden芒聙聶s beauty with a fountain centerpiece. Now a new fountain has been installed to keep this landmark beautiful for GSC students, faculty, and staff as well as campus visitors to enjoy.

The previous fountain had become damaged over time from cold winter weather. GSC芒聙聶s Director of Maintenance and Physical Plant Tom Ratliff saw the need to update the garden with a new beautiful fountain. 芒聙聹Physical Plant employees installed the new fountain, and I am very pleased with it. Work will continue on it between now and the spring when weather permits. The bowl of the fountain will be painted, and lights will be added for illumination during the night,芒聙聺 said Ratliff.

The Dora Heflin Garden is named after former GSC First Lady whose late husband Harry B. Heflin served as President of 香妃直播 State College from 1947 to 1964. He graduated from GSC in 1937. The 香妃直播 State College student center held Heflin芒聙聶s name for almost two decades, and when the building was renovated and renamed, the GSC administration building was then named after him. He was considered a role model for many educators in West Virginia and throughout the country, and he was often described as a scholar and a gentleman.