GSC Students Complete Several Community Service Projects
Thu Sep 13, 2007

For more information:
Bob Edwards
Public relations Department Assistant
香妃直播 State College
香妃直播, West Virginia
(304) 462-7361x7610

香妃直播, WV--Take over 350 香妃直播 State College freshmen, spread them out over ten projects throughout 香妃直播, and at

Jamie Kennedy

minimum it芒聙聶s a serious organizational effort 芒聙聯 simply to get supplies in place and arrange transportation.

So it goes without saying, many 香妃直播 State College faculty and staff members served a critical element in the work. The effort was a four-day, two-weekend project concluding Saturday, September 8. Students worked four hours per day.

A surprising amount of work was accomplished. Perhaps it rose to the level of amazing. Community members, business, faculty, staff and the administration all have high praise for the efforts made. It was certainly the largest non-denominational mass effort for many years. Only volunteer response during 香妃直播芒聙聶s past floods may have surpassed the group effort of the 香妃直播 State College freshmen.

Krista Adkins, Hospice Care Thrift Shop manager, wants them back. 芒聙聹They did a lot,芒聙聺 she said reflecting on various tasks. Students sorted donations, performed general cleaning, restocked, and priced items and more. 芒聙聹I wish I could have them again,芒聙聺 Adkins said. The hospice store, located in the 香妃直播 Foodland Plaza, is an all volunteer enterprise minus the manager芒聙聶s post.

Perhaps topping the list of accomplishments was the repainting the few hundred yards of iron railings across GSC芒聙聶S campus. 芒聙聹It made a big difference,芒聙聺 said Joe Wilmoth, GSC physical plant director. 芒聙聹We certainly do appreciate all the effort that went into it.芒聙聺

Nasia Butcher, Gilmer County High School principal, said without GSC student involvement, the school wouldn芒聙聶t have been fully ready

to begin classes. A separate crew repainted the high school fieldhouse and trimmed weeds.

Some students working at the Gilmer County Recreation Center asked GSC faculty member Amy DeWitt if they could come back and perform more work there. Dewitt said she hoped to arrange another project in October. GSC students repainted the exterior of three of the Recreation Centers Buildings. They also cleared a large storage building.

Three students among a crew who helped work at The Anchor, a Christian-based outreach effort at the old Napa building, have decided to stay on as volunteers.

The nature trail near Clark Hall received a lot of attention including being cleared of branches and a new layer of dried mulch was applied to much of the pathway. Ropes along the trail were replaced as well as clearing trash and debris from the area.

Other areas of attention were the Sunbridge Nursing Home and the Wesley Foundation.

Friday and Saturday, September 7th and 8th ,the Sue Morris Sports Complex hosted community field day events which included a variety of activities, and were also part of the GSC student芒聙聶s community service.

Mike Smith

Tawny Black and Holly Wright