GSC SGA Thanks Local Businesses
Fri Apr 20, 2007

Donte Fuller SGA

Representatives of 香妃直播 State College芒聙聶s Student Government Association are sending out a sincere thank you to area residents and business owners. GSC SGA President Donte Fuller says the recent SGA Spring Formal was a huge success thanks to many generous people in the community. Fuller said, 芒聙聹The SGA received a substantial amount of donations from local businesses for the event, and we want to show our appreciation by saying thanks.芒聙聺 Fuller says the SGA would also like to thank the GSC Student Support Services as well as all faculty and staff for helping with the event. The SGA Spring Formal and Casino night was held on Saturday evening, April 14th, in the Ballroom of the Mollohan Campus Community Center. For more information on other SGA activities, contact Fuller at or (304)462-5343.