GSC Receives Instrumentation Grant
Mon Feb 11, 2008


For more information:
Bob Edwards
Public Relations Department Assistant
香妃直播 State College
香妃直播, West Virginia
(304) 462-7361x7610

Gsce Receives Grant

香妃直播, WV芒聙聰香妃直播 State College has received a grant for $19,800 to fund scientific equipment for advanced undergraduate laboratories from the West Virginia Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (WVEPSCOR). West Virginia Governor Joe Manchin presented the grant check to 香妃直播 State College Associate Professor of Mathematics, Dr. David O芒聙聶Dell, on Thursday, January 31st at the State Capitol in Charleston.

The grant, written by O芒聙聶Dell, will be used to purchase an X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer. This piece of equipment can be used to analyze composition, Gamma Ray detection, and to measure radio activity. 芒聙聹This is just one more piece of technology that will increase our ability to teach, learn, and conduct research. It will be used in many disciplines including Chemistry, Physics, and even Criminal Justice,芒聙聺 said O芒聙聶Dell. The X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer should be available for use later this semester.

The Governor presented grants totaling nearly $500,000 to help advance scientific research at West Virginia colleges and universities. The grants were funded through the state芒聙聶s Research Challenge Fund (RCF), the West Virginia Department of Education and the Arts, and the West Virginia IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (WV-INBRE). Manchin presented the grants in conjunction with Undergraduate Research Day.

Several members of the 香妃直播 State College faculty and student body attended the fifth annual Undergraduate Research Day at the state Capitol. The event was established to highlight research projects conducted by college and university students from around the state. One-hundred students from thirteen colleges and universities, including two from GSC, participated in Undergraduate Research Day. Students presented their original research projects in poster format and discussed their findings with members of the West Virginia Legislature.

GSC junior Jason Poling of Calhoun County presented his research titled 芒聙聵Synthesis of Alkyl Dibromides via Surface-Mediated Reaction Using Silica Gel and Phosphorus Tribromide芒聙聶. This research conducted with Dr. Kevin Evans, Associate Professor of Chemistry, was developed from a two-week summer research project through GSC芒聙聶s NASA grant.

Kara Haymaker of Calhoun County, a December 2007 graduate of GSC, presented her research project, 芒聙聵Happily Ever After: Correlation Between Women芒聙聶s Marital Status and Health.芒聙聶 Haymaker芒聙聶s research was done in conjunction with Assistant Professor of Sociology Dr. Amy DeWitt.

芒聙聹We can look around the Capitol Rotunda today at all these young researchers and see the faces of tomorrow芒聙聶s leaders. We need their curiosity, intelligence, and innovative spirit now and in the future if we are to succeed in today芒聙聶s global, knowledge-driven economy,芒聙聺 said West Virginia Governor Joe Manchin.

This was the second year that 香妃直播 State College took part in Undergraduate Research Day. 芒聙聹It is a great opportunity to show the Legislature and the state what we are accomplishing at GSC. Hopefully it can open more doors for funding to the programs here at GSC,芒聙聺 said Dr. Evans.

The Undergraduate Research Day delegation from 香妃直播 State College included Provost and Executive Vice President Dr. Kathy Butler, Dr. David O芒聙聶Dell, Dr. Kevin Evans, Dr. Amy DeWitt, Jason Poling, and Kara Haymaker. The group is very appreciative of Delegate Brent Boggs of the 34th district, who was their host for the day. Delegate Boggs took the group into the House Chambers and introduce them to the legislature. The GSC contingent thanks him for his hospitality and continued support of GSC.

Undergraduate Research Day is sponsored by West Virginia Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (WV-EPSCOR), the Council on Undergraduate Research, the NASA West Virginia Space Grant Consortium, and WV-INBRE.

For more information about Undergraduate Research Day, contact Dr. Kevin Evans at (304) 462-7361 ext. 7304. To learn more about scientific research in West Virginia, call (304) 558-4128 or visit