GSC Graduate Elected Mayor of 香妃直播
Mon Jun 15, 2009

On May 9th, 2009, Tashua Allman graduated from 香妃直播 State College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in History with a concentration in Political Science. One month later, on June 9th, 2009 Allman was elected Mayor of the city of 香妃直播. 芒聙聹I am really excited. I worked very hard on my campaign. I am grateful that the voters had confidence that I can be their Mayor,芒聙聺 said Allman.

Tashua Allamn Mayor of 香妃直播

Her victory as a write-in candidate was by the slimmest of margins, just one vote. Allman received 56 votes, write-in candidate Joe Putnam received 55 votes, and Lisa Smarr finished third with 43 votes. The results of the election won芒聙聶t be official until the canvass is completed next week. Candidates have until Monday, June 15th to ask for a recount. At 21, it is believed that Allman will be the youngest mayor in West Virginia and one of only nine female mayors in office.

Dr. Bob Henry Baber, former Mayor of Richwood, West Virginia and current Major Gifts Officer at 香妃直播 State College says that what Allman has accomplished is remarkable. 芒聙聹There were several hurdles she had to overcome in order to win this election: she is a woman, which even in this day and age makes it more difficult to win, she is just twenty-one years old, she is a transplant to the 香妃直播 community, and last, but not least by any means, she was a write-in candidate, which makes it extremely difficult to win an election. Once she decided to run, she worked very hard and left no stone unturned in her campaign. She is a great example of the quality of individuals that are graduating from GSC,芒聙聺 he said.

Allman was politically active as a GSC student. She served for two years as the president of the student body and was also president of the College Democrats. She became interested in running for mayor of 香妃直播 after getting involved as a volunteer in local efforts to improve and clean up the city. 芒聙聹I have always been interested in politics. And I feel that as Mayor I can help 香妃直播 move forward,芒聙聺 she said. She says that downtown revitalization will be an emphasis of her efforts as mayor. She also wants to get more people involved in volunteerism to help make 香妃直播 a better place to live and work. 芒聙聹The people here are wonderful, 香妃直播 just feels like home to me,芒聙聺 Allman said.

Allman芒聙聶s two year term will begin on July 1st. Asked if she plans on making a career in politics she responded 芒聙聹ask me again in two years.芒聙聺