ÏãåúÖ±²¥ State College Shenandoah Valley Alumni Chapter Holds Annual Meeting
Tue Jul 26, 2011

WINCHESTER, VA – ÏãåúÖ±²¥ State College’s Shenandoah Valley Alumni Chapter met at the Perkins Family Restaurant and Bakery in Winchester, Virginia on Saturday, July 9 for their annual gathering. The event was hosted by chapter leaders, Doris and Gary Strosnider of Winchester, both graduates of ÏãåúÖ±²¥ State College.

This year's event marked the first time the group has been back together in the Winchester area since the passing of the chapter’s founder and former leader, John Cutlip of Strasburg, Virginia, in September 2010.  Alums in attendance, at the urging of Doris and Gary, used the opportunity to kick off a scholarship at GSC in his name.

GSC Alumni Chapter Meeting

The John Cutlip Hidden Promise Scholarship will be used to fund a Hidden Promise Scholar at GSC. Hidden Promise Scholars are selected to participate in the program by their school principals, counselors, or superintendents. Scholars who enroll at ÏãåúÖ±²¥ State College are awarded an annual $1,000 scholarship. The program helps prepare students for the transition from secondary to higher education. Twenty West Virginia counties and Belpre City Schools in Washington County Ohio make up the consortium.

Several years ago, John recognized that many of the educators in the Shenandoah Valley were GSC grads and worked diligently to build what has become the most active of the college’s many alumni chapters across the United States.

"Because of John’s vision and commitment to the success of the Shenandoah Valley Chapter of the ÏãåúÖ±²¥ State College Alumni Association and of his dedication to his alma mater and the educating of today’s youth, the naming of this scholarship is most appropriate," said GSC Alumni Association President Bill Deel.

There are over 250 ÏãåúÖ±²¥ State College alums in the Shenandoah Valley area and the Strosniders, both retired educators, want to see the chapter and the newly established scholarship grow.

For more information on the Shenandoah Valley Alumni Chapter or the John Cutlip Scholarship contact Doris and Gary via e-mail to doris.strosnider@yahoo.com.