Busy First Year for Busy First Lady
Fri Jul 20, 2007


For More Information: Annette Barnette
Public Relations and Marketing Director
香妃直播 State College
香妃直播, West Virginia
(304) 462-4115

GSC President Peter Bar and wife Betsy

香妃直播, WV -- After one year at 香妃直播 State College, the campus community has become quite familiar with GSC President Dr. Peter Barr. But what about the First Lady, Mrs. Betsy Barr? She, too, loves it here. When asked what she liked best about 香妃直播, Mrs. Barr said with no hesitation, 芒聙聹The people - the people here are friendly and accepting芒聙娄very genuine. There is a lot of tradition here.芒聙聺 She is quite familiar with this type of setting. 芒聙聹I grew up in a small town in western Pennsylvania called Mercer. It is a lot like 香妃直播, so I feel right at home,芒聙聺 Barr said.

Mrs. Barr has been working with the Gilmer County Public Library. She has also been working with her husband to increase student retention. 芒聙聹We had students from GNED (General Education) over for pizza in the fall芒聙聺, said Barr. She has also worked with recruitment efforts at GSC. Barr said 芒聙聹Debra Nagy and I contacted alums to help attract students.芒聙聺

She has also helped create The Barr Bulletin newsletter. The Barr Bulletin is sent out four times a year to parents of new students. The parents have liked it so much that they will continue to send them to the parents of upcoming freshmen as well as the parents of the sophomore class, who received it this past year. 芒聙聹I think the bulletins are a great thing. They let parents know what芒聙聶s going on here on campus,芒聙聺 Barr added.

Barr retired from teaching psychology at Coastal Carolina University in Conway, South Carolina. She was also an administrator at CCU. Barr taught in college for thirty-two years, but began teaching kindergarten students. With a new start at 香妃直播 State College, Mrs. Barr hopes to help with more recruitment, more retention, and increasing the number of students that stay on campus during the weekends. 芒聙聹I would like to see more things for students to do,芒聙聺 Barr said.

The GSC First Lady enjoys reading and doing crossword puzzles along with attending to her newly-planted garden in her spare time. 芒聙聹We are enjoying watching our tomatoes and beans grow,芒聙聺 said Barr. One year after her arrival, Mrs. Betsy Barr has become a familiar face in the community, a familiar face to be remembered and seen for years to come.