Academic Support Center Open House a Big Success
Thu Sep 20, 2007

For more information:
Bob Edwards
Public Relations Department Assistant
香妃直播 State College
香妃直播, West Virginia
(304) 462-7361x7610

香妃直播, WV芒聙聰A large number of 香妃直播 State College students took advantage of the open house at the Academic Support Center on

Jennifer Block

Wednesday September 19th to find out what services are available to help them through their GSC experience. Tours of the center, explanations of the services that are offered, introduction of the center芒聙聶s staff, and a free lunch were provided to over two hundred people who attended.

The Academic Support Center and Student Support Services afford GSC students a host of options to increase their academic success. Foundations Math and English classes are available, and there is a full range of academic services offered for students with disabilities and special needs. The center also has a writing clinic and learning lab, peer tutoring, and offers academic counseling and advising.

Student Support Services is a federally fund program offered to low income, first generation students, or those with documented physical or learning disabilities. The program is designed to help these students succeed in college through educational and cultural activities.

The tutoring services at the center are available to any GSC student who needs academic help in any subject. 芒聙聹Students who request

GSC senior Matt Hollen

tutoring are matched up with tutors who will be able to help in a specific field such as math, physics, English, or any other subject,芒聙聺 said Amy Fiddler, Director of Academic Support Services at 香妃直播 State College. Student tutors are paid but must be recommended by a faculty member to be a tutor. Tutoring services are free of charge to any GSC student. The Academic Support Center offers tutoring from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday on a walk-in basis, or you may make an appointment. Tutoring is also being offered at Pickens Hall from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., Monday through Thursday. These sessions are open to any GSC student, not just Pickens Hall residents. The ASC is also active in providing tutoring for GSC athletic teams. The Pioneer football and softball teams are required to attend tutoring sessions, and other teams take advantage of the service as well.

芒聙聹We want students to understand what services are available to help them be successful academically. We have a wonderful staff that is willing to do whatever is necessary to help them achieve their goals,芒聙聺 said Fiddler.

To learn more about the Academic Support Center and Student Support Services, arrange for tutoring, or become a tutor, call 462-7361 ext. 7105 or visit the center in the lower level of the Robert F. Kidd Library on GSC's campus.