Jeremy Keene
Dr. Jeremy L. Keene
Associate Professor of Biology
Science Hall



Ph.D. - Ohio University

M.S. - Missouri State University

B.S. - Missouri State University

Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Keene joined the ÏãåúÖ±²¥ State faculty in 2015 following a research position at Missouri State. He teaches Biology courses, including Principles of Biology II, Ecology, Botany, Plant Physiology and Techniques of Science. Dr. Keene’s research integrates morphological, anatomical, and molecular approaches to examine species relationships and reproductive patterns in an evolutionary context. His specialty is the systematics of Neotropical African violet genera (Gloxiniinae: Gesneriaceae).

Recent Articles:


  • Keene, JL & JL Clark. 2014. Two new species of Monopyle (Gesneriaceae) from Panama. Novon. 23(3): 281-286.
  • King, SH, J Moody-Weis, PL Redfearn Jr., JL Keene, LM Bowe. 2012. Plants of the Bull Shoals Field Station. Missouriensis 31: 19-43.
  • Keene, JL, JL Clark, and HE Ballard. 2011. Two New Species of Monopyle (Gesneriaceae) from Northern Ecuador. Journal of the Botanical Institute of Texas 5(2): 513-520.

Recent Presentations:


  • Keene, JL. 2015. A Reassessment of Monopyle. Missouri Native Plant Society-Springfield Chapter. Invited.
  • Keene, JL. 2014. Monopyle and all the others in the room (clade). National Capital Chapter of The Gesneriad Society. Invited.
  • Keene, JL and HE Ballard. 2013. A Molecular Assessment of Monopyle (Gloxinieae: Gesneriaceae). Botanical Society of America. Botany 2013.
  • Keene, JL and HE Ballard. 2013. Where is Monopyle? International Gesneriad Convention 2013.
  • Keene, JL. 2012. Species of the Monopyle clade within Gloxinieae. Tampa Bay Gesneriad Society. Invited.
  • Keene, JL and HE Ballard. 2012. Morphological treatment of the Monopyle Benth. from Central America. Botanical Society of America. Botany 2012.